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World War II Aviation Book

The Black Suitcase Mystery—A World War II Remembrance is an aviation book describing a four year study that started out as a ‘hands on’ genealogy project, but quickly escalated to a ‘hearts on’ experience for all involved. From fifth-grade students, to adults who were children during World War II, to veterans who fought in the battles, their stories were brought to life thanks to school librarian Gail Elliott Downs.

The Black Suitcase Mystery is a chronicle that takes you back to the 1940s through letters from Gail’s cousin who flew as a waist gunner on a B-24 Liberator Bomber in Italy. Gail worked with fifth graders to solve the mystery of letters in a black suitcase she inherited from her great-aunt. Having grade school children learn what World War II meant to this country, how it affected both military personnel and citizens who lived through that war, and how they rebuilt the world we live in, was a great gift to those children. The story kept developing over a four-year period culminating with the 50th Anniversary of the end of World War II.

The recognition the classes and their school received, including commendations from President Bill Clinton, are part of the story. Anyone who has children will appreciate the story line and hopefully understand the importance of keeping what historians now call “the signature event of the 20th century” a part of our educational system. May we never forget what the members of “The Greatest Generation” endured during World War II.